Rotarians visit Heritage Sustainable

Energy Windmill Farms


A trip to the Stoney Corners WindFarms owned by Heritage Sustainable Energy was held on August 9th for Cadillac Rotarians.   The regular Rotary club meeting was replaced with the trip via CWTA busses to the wind farms just off Stoney Corners Road near McBain.

 Steve Toms, Site Manager met the Rotarians and explained how the power is transferred from the wind mills to the substation to the high voltage power lines and then on to Detroit Edison, Traverse City Light and Power or Consumers Energy.   The Rotarians learned about the 3 million dollar cost to build each windmill and how Heritage is trying to buy Michigan made products in the assembly of their windmills.  Barton Malow is constructing the windmills and Windenmueller is responsible for the mechanical and electrical portion of the windmill construction.

After the information session on the windmills, Steve Toms led the Rotarians to an existing windmill and explained many more facts about the windmills.   Then the Rotarians continued on to a windmill that is currently under construction where they were allowed to enter the generator of the windmill to better understand the controls inside the generator.    Thank you to Steve Toms and to Heritage Sustainable Energy for the informative field trip.