Cadillac Rotary Receives Award


Polio Vaccination Donations 


 At the November 8th Cadillac Rotary Club noon meeting, Past District Governor Tim Knaggs presented Past President Jon Catlin with a certificate honoring the Cadillac Rotary for fulfilling its commitment to support the fund raising efforts of Rotary International in its fight to eradicate polio.  Rotary International reports that thru the efforts of Rotary to eradicate polio, they are very close to accomplishing their goal.  Currently there are only four countries that have reported polio outbreaks this year, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and Nigeria.    Nigeria has only reported one case this year and it is hopeful that they are close to having beaten this disease in their country.


Rotary International is attempting to raise fund to match the generous contribution by the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation of $355 million.   The funds are nearly matched, but there is still fund raising to be done.      Rotary is now attempting to have polio completely eradicated by 2017 which is the 100th anniversary of the Rotary Foundation.